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Dov Farkas

Chazzan Dov Farkas was born in Sydney, Australia in 1974 and was destined to become a Chazzan from a very early age. The son of the world renowned Chazzan Shimon Farkas, Dov grew up in an atmosphere of Jewish liturgical music.

Dov's talent was first recognised at the tender age of nine, when he frequently sang alongside his father as a soloist in Sydney's Central Synagogue.

Dov and his father's first recording, "Haven Yakir Li", was released in 1987. In 1990, Dov recorded a second album with his father together with the famed Concord Hotel Symphonic Chorale from New York. In 2007, Dov released his debut solo recording"Boi Beshalom" to wide international acclaim.

Dov has performed in many concerts and as a guest Chazzan around the world, and is equally at home on stage and on the bimah. The combination of Dov's knowledge and interpretation of traditional nusach and chazanut, together with his inclusion of modern tunes into the tefillah, makes davening with Dov a truly haimish and enjoyable experience.

Dov served as Chazzan of the South Head Synagogue in Sydney for eight years, after which time he served as Chazzan of the Chabad House of Caulfield - 770 in Melbourne for five years. In 2008 Dov was appointed as the Chief Cantor of the Caulfield Hebrew Congregation in Melbourne, one of Australia’s largest Synagogues.

Dov is married to Miriam and they have 3 children, Libby, Ari and Reena.

Fri, 14 February 2025 16 Shevat 5785